Mon-Fri 8am-5pm Sat 9am-5pm +254 110 335 333

Referral Information

At Boyne-CDC we offer peace of mind when you make referral for our services. We maintain regular and professional communication throughout the process of referral and your child’s journey with us.

  • Who can make Referrals?

    • Parent
    • Educator with parental consent
    • Medical or Allied health professionals

  • 1. Complete the appointment online and we will contact you within 24 hours
    2. Email your enquiry to
    3. Call us directly at +2541103355333
    We will contact the client directly for services.

  • After receiving your enquiry our admin assistant will contact you directly to find the best route of action for you and answer any questions you may have. Where required one of our therapists will offer a free 10–20-minute phone consult to answer any questions.

  • 1. A comprehensive assessment
    2. Child specific intervention programmes
    3. Strategies for home as appropriate
    4. Recommendations on equipment where necessary
    5. A comprehensive report where required